I am interested in how the human mind adapts to using (HCI and cognitive modeling) and implementing (programming and software design) technology.
My doctoral thesis was investigating the cognitive aspect of software design using novice programmers.
I am also interested in applying innovative technology, such as mobile devices, the Internet, and games, in learning and instruction.
CaffeineZone™: an iPhone app teaching and monitoring caffeine consumption.
IQs: an intelligent mobile learning system helping student learn descriptive knowledge through multiple choice questions. Funded by Penn State Schreyer Institude of Teaching Excellence.
Glasauer, C., Yeh, M. K., DeLong, L. A., Yan, Y, & Zhuang, Y. (2024). "C"ing the light – assessing code comprehension in novice programmers using C code patterns. Computer Science Educationhttps://doi.org/10.1080/08993408.2024.2317079
Zhuang, Y., Yan, Y., DeLong, L. A., & Yeh, M. K. (2023). Do developer perceptions have borders? Comparing C code responses across continents. Software Quality Journal1-27. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-023-09654-0
Ritter, F. E., Yeh, M. K., McDermott, A. F., & Weyhrauch, P. W. (2023). The effect of task fidelity on learning curves: a synthetic analysis. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 39(11), 2253-2267.https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2022.2161863
Tsai, C.-T., Wu, J.-L., Lin, Y.-T., & Yeh, M. K.-C. (2022) Design and development of a blockchain-based secure scoring mechanism for online learning. Educational Technology & Society, 25(3).
Lewis, R., Mello, C. A., Zhuang, Y., Yeh, M. K.-C. Yan, Y., & Gopstein, D. (2018). Rough Sets: visually discerning neurological functionality during thought processes. In Ceci M., Japkowicz N., Liu J., Papadopoulos G., Raś Z.(eds) Foundations of Intelligent Systems. ISMIS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11177. Springer, Cham.
Wang, N., Yeh, M. K.-C., Gregg, A., Zhu, C., Garbrick, A. & Peck K. (2017) Beyond academic grade dashboard: Integrating performance visualization to increase peer support: a work in-progress paper, In Proceedings of International Conference on Education and e-Learning (EeL), 72-75. Singapore: Global Science and Technology Forum.
Gopstein, D., Iannacone, J., Yan, Y., Delong, L. A., Zhuang, Y., Yeh, M. K.-C., & Cappos, J. (2017). Understanding misunderstandings in source code. In Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering. Paderborn, Germany: ACM. [Distinguished Paper Award]
Cox, C., Nguyen, H., Xie, Y., Yeh, K.-C., & Sharma, P. (2004). Defining leadership for college students: A needs assessment approach. In G. Rice & D. Baker (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Four Annual Conference of the International Society for Exploring Teaching & Learning (pp. 58-59). Baltimore, MD:ISETL.
Yeh, K.-C. (2005). What does a one-to-one computer environment mean to teachers in an elementary school? Teacher's perception of one-to-one laptop computers in classrooms. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Orlando, FL.
Peck, K., Popp, J. D., Haughton, H. & Yeh, K.-C. (2001). PT3 database project. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Atlanta, GA.
Yeh, M. K.-C. (2011). Design and evaluate mobile learning applications using HCI principles. Department of Educational Technology. Tamkang University. Taiwan. 1 June 2011.
Research Grants and Support
#700K. “Probabilistic Engine for Representing and Computing Enhanced Presentation Techniques for Situation Awareness.” Role: Co-PI. Sponsor: Charles River Analytics. May 2022 – December 2023.
$113K. "Simulating Training Results to Understand Differing Effects of Fidelity on Learning (STRUDEL)." Role: Co-PI. Sponsor: Charles River Analytics. April 2018 – April 2020.
$70K. "Support for SAVE-IT: A System for Analyzing and Visualizing Evaluations of Instruction Techniques." Role: Co-PI. Sponsor: Charles River Analytics. July 2017 – July 2018.
$3.4M. "Maintenance Tutoring Under Uncertainty: Expanding a Smart Tutoring System to Support Acquisition and Retention of Skills." Role: Co-PI. Sponsor: ONR. April 2015 – March 2020.
$200K. "Building trauma triage tutors for Air Force nurses and extending learning theory." Role: Co-PI. (SBIR phase 2) Sponsor: Charles River Analytics. October 2015 – January 2018.
$100K. ($230K total). "Using Cognitive Techniques to Detect and Prevent Security Flaws." Role: Co-PI. Sponsor: National Science Foundation. January 2015 – December 2017.
$55K. "Active Transfer Learning for Intelligent Tutoring." Role: Co-PI. Sponsor: Charles River Analytics. July 2015 – November 2016
$30K. "CRAM-LESS: Exploring strategy learning in a diagnostic reasoning task." Role: Co-PI. (STTR with Charles River Analytics.) Sponsor: ONR. May 2015 – October 2015.
$16,402. ($49,700 total). "Support for high-level tools for faster tutoring." Role: Co-PI. Sponsor: Charles River Analytics, Inc. June 2011 – January 2012.
$1,100. "The IQs-an intelligent quiz system for mobile learning." Role: PI. Sponsor: Penn State University Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence. 2010
$1,100. "Graduate Student Travel Grant." Sponsor: Penn State University. 2004, 2005, 2009.
* indicates course revision; o indicates online; h indicates hybrid;
IST 331*: Organization & Design of Information Systems: Users & System Principles
IST 311: Object-Oriented Design and Software Applications
IST 255: Fundamentals of Web Administration
IST 250: Web and New Media
IST 230: Language, Logic, and Discrete Mathematics
IST 220: Data Communication and Computer Networks
IST 210: Organization of Data
IST 110h: Information, People, and Technology
CSE 297x: Introduction to Programming with PHP
CSE 397x: Intermediate Programming with PHP and MySQL
CMPSC 201: Programming for Engineers with C++
CMPSC 203: Introduction to Spreadsheets and Databases
CMPSC 221: Object-Oriented Programming with Web Apps
Academic Advisor, Engineering Advising Center, Penn State University. 2010, 2014.
Student Technology Advisory Committee. Instructional Systems, Penn State, 2004-2005.
Association for Education Communication and Technology (AECT) Website Design Taskforce. AECT. 2004.
Technology Learning Assistant. Teaching and Learning with Technology. Penn State. 2004.
Webmaster, Taiwanese Student Association. Penn State. 2002, 2008.
Assistant Professor, College of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State, 2015-present.
Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Penn State, 2009-2015.
Web Consultant, Information Technology Services, Penn State University, 2006-2009.
Instructional Design Assistant, World Campus, Penn State University, 2006.
Learning Skills Center Coordinator, University Learning Center, Penn State University, 2005-2006.
Graduate Assistant, Instructional Systems, Penn State University, 2004-2005.
Web Developer/System Manager, Instructional Systems, Penn State University, 2000-2004.
Priscilla Clement Award, 2019, Penn State Brandywine
Distinguished Paper Award, 2017, 11th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering.
CaffeineZone 2 (iPhone app) nominated, 2013 PA Tech Award.